
时间:2011-04-24 11:55来源:针灸学教研室 作者:admin 点击:



Ⅰ.Please choose the best one from A.B.C .D&E.( There is only one correct choice for each item, please mark it)

( ) 1.The point which is the luo-connecting acupoint of the stomach meridian of foot-yangming.

A: tiaokou (ST 38) B: jiexi (ST 41) C: fenglong(ST 40)

D: zusanli(ST 36) E :liangqiu (ST 34)

( )2.At the neck, the tianrong point is blong to

A: small intestine meridian of hand-taiyang

B: bladder meridian of foot-taiyang

C: triple energizer meridian of hand-shaoyang

D: gallbladder meridian of foot-shaoyang

E: stomach merdian of foot-yangming

( ) 3.Which point is located on the lower abdomen ,anterior midline and 3 cun directly below the umbilicus in supine position.

A: Qihai(CV6) B: Guanyuan (CV 4) C: zhongji(CV 3)

D: Zhongwan(CV 12) E: Juque(CV 14)

( ) 4.The distance between two frontal angles along hairline is :

A: 1 cun B: 4cun C: 5 cun D: 3 cun E: 2 cun

( ) 5. Where do the yin channels and the yang channels which have an interior-exterior relationship meet?

A: head B: face C: chest D: abdomen E: four limbs

( ) 6. which points are used to treat severe acute disorders of the meridians.

A:Luo-Connecting acupoints B: Yuan-Source acupoints

C:Front-Mu acupoints D: Xi-Cleft acupoints E: Back-Shu acupoints

( )7.Which of the following points can be used to prick for bloodletting to expel heat when dealing with sore throat?

A: Shaochong (H 9) B: Zhongchong (P 9) C: Shaoshang(L 11)

D: Shaoze (SI 1) E: Yongquan(K 1)

( )8.what are the main indications for application of Back-Shu and Front-Mu acupoints ?

A:Visceral diseases B: diseases of the trunk C:tendon disorder

D: eye diseases E:disorders of six fu organs

( )9.The channel entering the ear is.

A: the Hand-Yangming channel B: the Foot-Yangming channel

C: the Foot-Taiyang channel D: the Hand-Taiyang channel

E: none of the above

( )10.which of the following points is used to treat the syndrome of blood stagnation.

A: Fenglong (S40) B:Jiexi(S41) C: Liangqiu (S 34)

DChongyang(S42) E: Geshu(BL17)

( ) 11.Each of the following points is the Yuan-Source acupoint except.

A: Taiyuan(LU 9) B:Hegu(LI 4) C: Taichong (LR 3) D: Zhongdu (Liv6)

E: Qiuxu(GB 40)

( )12.Which of the following points would you select to treat acute stomachache ?

A: Dazhui (Du 14) B: Waiguan (SJ 5) C: Geshu (B 17)

D: Shaoshang (L 11) E:Liangqiu(ST 34)

( ) 13.Each of the following points is the Xi-Cleft point except.

A: Gongsun (S4) B:Kongzui(L6) C: Ximen (4)

D: Zhongdu (Liv6) E: Shuiquan (K 5)

( )14.According to the characteristics of specific points,what is mostly used to treat hemorrhage diseases.

A:Primary points B:Connecting points C:Cleft points

D:Lower he points E:Jin-well points

( )15.In the early stage of sprain, which one is not advised to use

A:Selecting local points

B:Reducing method with acupuncture

C:Reinforcing method with acupuncture and moxibustion

D:Pricking vessels and cupping

E:Applying ice locally

( )16. The Xi-Cleft point of the stomach channel is.

A: Fenglong (S40) B:Jiexi(S41) C: Liangqiu (S 34)

D Chongyang(S42) E: Xiangu(S43)

( )17.Which of the following points is located 2 cun above the laterosuperior border of the patella?

A: Xuehai (SP 10) B: Zusanli (S 36) C: Liangqiu (S 34)

D: Futu (S 32) E: Fengshi(G31)

( )18.The most effective point in reducing a high-grade fever would be. A: Jianjing (G 21) B: Fengfu (Du 17) C: Renzhong (Du 26)

D: Quchi (LI 11) E: Yamen (Du 15)

( )19.The distance between the two mastoid processes is

A: 6 cun B: 8 cun C: 9 cun D: 10 cun E: 12 cun

( )20.All the following organs are linked with the kidney channel except.

A: the liver B: the heart C: the spleen D: the lung

E: the kidney

Ⅱ.  Multiple-choice

There are two or more correct choices  for each item, please mark it.

( )1.The channels with distribution to the centre of the ear include A: the channel of Hand-Taiyang

B: the channel of Foot-Shaoyang,

C: the channel of Hand-Shaoyang

D: the channel of Hand-Taiyang

E: the channel of Foot-Yangming

( )2.The system of meridian is mainly composed of :

A: The twelve regular meridians

B: The twelve meridian branches

C: Fifteen collaterals

D: Twelve meridian tendons

E: Twelve skin areas and eight extraordinary vessels

( )3.Which of the following eight confluent points could be applied for the diseases of neck, should, inner canthus?

A: GB 41 B: TE 5 C: SI 3

D: BL 62 E: LU 7

( )4.which of the meridians distribute along the anterior border of the body?

A:Lung meridian of hand-taiyin

B:Large intestine meridian of hand-yangming

C:Spleen meridian of foot-taiyin

D:Stomach meridian of foot-yangming

E:Heart meridian of hand-shaoyin

( )5.According to selecting symptomatic points, high fever in blood system could be treated by

A:LI 4 B:LI 11 C:BL 40

D:TE 5 E:GV 14

Ⅲ . Filling the blank

1.The running of the branches of the twelve meridians is marked by_________________,_______________,______________,_____________.

2.According to the characteristics of acupoint,acupoints can be classified into _______________,______________,_____________.

3.In clinic, there are four kinds of indirect moxibustion with moxa cone, they are _________________, _________________, _______________ and Monkahood cake insulation.

4. The influential point for bones is ________________, The influential point for blood is _________________, The influential point for tendons and muscles is _________________.

5.Accidents during acupuncture treatment include mainly ________________, _____________,_________________, ________________ and ________________.

Ⅳ.  Explain the concept

1.arrival of Qi

2.meridians and collaterals

Ⅴ.  Questions

Please expound the below questions in brief.

1.what are the therapeutic principles of acupuncture and moxibustion?

2. What are the main factors affecting the curative effects of acupuncture and moxibustion?

Ⅵ.  Analysis of medical cases

1.Mr Wang, 57 years old, worker.

History and physical examination: The patient suffered from hypertension for many years. On the morning of March 3,1993, he suddenly suffered from hemiplegia of right side of body, aphasia, deviation of mouth. At the same time, he had a clear mind, vomiting, incontinence of urination and defecation. After being treated in some sanitation institute for 40 days and without effect, he was transferred to the hospital here. Physical examination: hemiplegia of right side of body, aphasia, deviation of mouth,incontinence of urination and defecation。Occasionally accompanied with dizziness, ozostomia, dark and pale tongue, slightly greasy coating, wiry and slippery pulse ( right pulse is hesitant). Blood pressure is 22/14KPa. The wrinkles on forehead is symmetric, mouth is deviated to the left side. Right nasolabial groove was shallow, tongue was protruded to the right side, muscular strength of right upper and lower limbs were 0-1, muscular tension increased, tendon hyperreflexia, pathological reflex is positive.


(1) . Diagnosis: TCM

(2) . Diagnosis: Modern medicine

(3) . Differentiation of syndromes

(4).  Acupuncture therapy (principles, method, prescription and its significations)

2.Ms. Zhan, 48 years old, teacher.

History and physical examination: The patient suffered from headache, vertigo ,and she felt irascibility and bitter taste in the mouth after she had quarreled with her colleague three days before. Examination showed a red tongue with a thin, yellowish coating, and a forceful, wiry pulse.


(1). Diagnosis: TCM

(2). Diagnosis: Modern medicine

(3). Differentiation of syndromes

(4). Acupuncture therapy (principles, method, prescription and its significations)
