
时间:2011-04-24 11:49来源:针灸学教研室 作者:admin 点击:



Ⅰ.Please choose the best one from A.B.C .D&E.( There is only one correct choice for each item, please mark it)(单选题)

( )1、The point which is the luo-connecting acupoint of the stomach meridian of foot-yangming.

A: tiaokou (ST 38) B: jiexi (ST 41) C: fenglong(ST 40)

D: zusanli(ST 36) E :liangqiu (ST 34)

( )2、The pathway of the Hand-Yangming channel does not pass through

A: the forearms B: the upperarms C: the radial side of the index finger

D: the medial side of the elbow E: the neck

( )3、Which therapy is the best for asthma due to deficient cold:

A.Pricking therapy

B.Embedding catgut

C.Medical vesiculation

D.Auricular therapy


( )4、At the neck, the tianrong point is blong to

A: small intestine meridian of hand-taiyang

B: bladder meridian of foot-taiyang

C:triple energizer meridian of hand-shaoyang

D:gallbladder meridian of foot-shaoyang

E:stomach merdian of foot-yangming

( )5、In the early stage of sprain, which one is not advised to use :

A. Selecting local points

B. Reducing method with acupuncture

C.Reinforcing method with acupuncture and moxibustion

D. Pricking vessels and cupping

E. Applying ice locally

( )6. Where do the three yin channels of the hand meet the three yin channels of the foot?

A: head B: face C: chest D: abdomen E: limbs

( ) 7、Which point is located on the lower abdomen ,anterior midline and 3 cun directly below the umbilicus in supine position.

A: Qihai(CV6) B: Guanyuan (CV 4) C: zhongji(CV 3) D: Zhongwan(CV 12) E: Juque(CV 14)

( ) 8. All the following points are located distal to the elbow or knee joint except.

A: the eight confluent points B: the Five-Shu points

C: the Luo-Connecting points D: the eight influential points

E: the Yuan-Source points

( )9. All the following organs are linked with the kidney channel except.

A: the liver B: the heart C: the spleen D: the lung

E: the kidney

( ) 10.The distance between two frontal angles along hairline is :

A: 1 cun B: 4cun C: 5 cun D: 3 cun E: 2 cun

( )11、According to the indications of specific acupoints, which point can be applied for the disorders with the involvement of external-internal related meridians?

A、Yuan-source point B、Xi-cleft point

C、Lower He-sea point D、Luo-connecting point

E、Crossing point

( )12、 To treat sciatic, which one should be selected?

A Mainly chose the points on hand-yangming and foot-yangming meridians

B Mainly chose the points on Ren meridian

C Mainly chose the points on foot-jue yin and foot-taiyang meridians

D Mainly chose the points on foot-taiyang and foot-shaoyin meridians

E Mainly chose the points on foot-taiyang and foot-yangming meridians

( ) 13. Where do the yin channels and the yang channels which have an interior-exterior relationship meet?

A: head B: face C: chest D: abdomen E: four limbs

( ) 14. The most effective point in reducing a high-grade fever would be.

A: Jianjing (G 21) B: Fengfu (Du 17) C: Renzhong (Du 26)

D: Quchi (LI 11) E: Yamen (Du 15)

( )15、The prescription of combination of Zhong wan, Nei guan, Zu Sanli, Yang Lingquan, Tai chong is mainly used to treat :

A Food stagnation

B liver stagnation

C Cold pathogen

D Deficiency of middle energizer

E Yin deficiency

( ) 16. which points are used to treat severe acute disorders of the meridians.

A:Luo-Connecting acupoints B: Yuan-Source acupoints C:Front-Mu acupoints D: Xi-Cleft acupoints E: Back-Shu acupoints

( )17、 According to the characteristics of specific points, ( ) is mostly used to treat hemorrhage diseases.

A. Primary points

B. Connecting points

C. Cleft points

D. Lower he points

E. Jin-well points

( )18、Which of the following points can be used to prick for bloodletting to expel heat when dealing with sore throat?

A: Shaochong (H 9) B: Zhongchong (P 9) C: Shaoshang(L 11)

D: Shaoze (SI 1) E: Yongquan(K 1)

( )19. The channel entering the ear is.

A: the Hand-Yangming channel B: the Foot-Yangming channel

C: the Foot-Taiyang channel D: the Hand-Taiyang channel

E: none of the above

( )20、what are the main indications for application of Back-Shu and Front-Mu acupoints ?

A:Visceral diseases B: diseases of the trunk C:tendon disorder D: eye diseases E:disorders of six fu organs

( ) 21. The Xi-Cleft point of the stomach channel is.

A: Fenglong (S40) B:Jiexi(S41) C: Liangqiu (S 34)

DChongyang(S42) E: Xiangu(S43)

( )22、The channel entering the ear is.

A: the Hand-Yangming channel B: the Foot-Yangming channel

C: the Foot-Taiyang channel D: the Hand-Taiyang channel

E: none of the above

( )23. All the following points are one of the eight confluent points except.

A: Zhaohai(K6) B: Yuji (L 10 ) C: Zulinqi(G41)

D: Waiguan (SJ 5) E: Shenmai (B 62)

( )24、which of the following points is used to treat the syndrome of blood stagnation.

A: Fenglong (S40) B:Jiexi(S41) C: Liangqiu (S 34)

DChongyang(S42) E: Geshu(BL17)

( )25、The patient is suffered from insomnia, accompanied with dizziness, fatigue, poor appetite, palpitation, pale tongue, thick coating. In addition to main prescription of acupuncture, other points are

A Heart-shu point, kidney-shu point, Taixi

B Heart-shu point, spleen-shu point, Zu Sanli

C Heart-shu point, gallbladder-shu point, Tai chong

D Heart-shu point, Ming men, Guan yang

E Heart-shu point, spleen-shu point, Wai guang

( )26、Each of the following points is the Yuan-Source acupoint except.

A: Taiyuan(LU 9) B:Hegu(LI 4) C: Taichong (LR 3) D: Zhongdu (Liv6) E: Qiuxu(GB 40)

( )27、Which is the first choice point for the treatment of chronic diseases of five zang organs?

A、Back shu point B、Front mu point

C、Eight confluent points D、Xi-cleft point

E、Luo-connecting point

( )28、Which of the following points would you select to treat acute stomachache ?

A: Dazhui (Du 14) B: Waiguan (SJ 5) C: Geshu (B 17)

D: Shaoshang (L 11) E:Liangqiu(ST 34)



1C 2D 3C 4A 5C 6C 7B 8B 9C 10D 11D 12D 13E 14D 15B 16D 17C 18C 19D 20A 21C 22D 23B 24E 25B 26D 27A 28E

Ⅱ. Multiple-choice question(多选题)

There are two or more correct choices for each item, please mark it.

( )1、The system of meridian is mainly composed of :

A: The twelve regular meridians

B: The twelve meridian branches

C: Fifteen collaterals

D: Twelve meridian tendons

E: Twelve skin areas and eight extraordinary vessels

( )2、which of the meridians distribute along the anterior border of the body?

A:Lung meridian of hand-taiyin

B:Large intestine meridian of hand-yangming

C:Spleen meridian of foot-taiyin

D:Stomach meridian of foot-yangming

E:Heart meridian of hand-shaoyin

( )3. The Jing-River points are often used to treat

( )4. The Shu-Stream points are often used to treat

( )5. The He-Sea points are often used to treat

A: febrile disease B: stifling sensation in the chest

C: nausea, diarrhea D: cough, sore throat, aversion to cold E: painful joints caused by exogenous wind and cold

The following stem pertains to questions 4-5

A patient has the following signs and symptoms: insomnia, restlessness, flushed face, dry mouth, difficult urination, scanty in amount and red in colour, and burning pain in the urethra. In making a prescription according to the matching method of Yuan-Source and Lou-Connecting points,

( )6. the Yuan point used would be

( )7. the Luo point used would be

A: Wangu (SI 4) B: Shenmen (H 7) C: Taixi (K 3)

D: Tongli (H 5) E: Zhizheng (SI 7)

( ) 8. The influential point for bones is.

( ) 9. The influential point for blood is.

( ) 10. The influential point for tendons and muscles is ( )

A: Geshu (UB 17) B: Yanglingquan (GB 34) C: Dashu (UB 11)

( )11. The channels with distribution to the centre of the ear include

( )12. The channels with distribution to or connected with the lung include

A: the channel of Hand-Taiyang, the channel of Foot-Taiyang, the channel of Foot-Shaoyang

B: the channel of Hand-Taiyang, the channel of Foot-Shaoyang, the channel of Hand-Shaoyang

C: the channel of Hand-Taiying, the channel of Foot-Jueyin, the channel of Hand-Yangming

D: the channel of Hand-Taiyang, the channel of Foot-Yangming, the channel of Hand-Jueyin

E: the channel of Hand-Shaoyang, the channel of Foot-Yangming, the channel of Hand-Jueyin

( ) 13. The lower He-Sea point of the Sanjiao is.

( ) 14. The lower He-Sea point of the bladder is.

( ) 15. The lower He-Sea point of the large intestine is.

( ) 16. The lower He-Sea point of the small intestine is.

( ) 17. The lower He-Sea point of the gallbladder is.

A: Shangjuxu (St37) B: Weizhong(BL40) C: Xiajuxu (St 39)

D: Yanglingquan (GB 34) E: Weiyang (UB 39)

( )18. The influential point for bones is

( ) 19. The influential point for blood is

( )20. The influential point for tendons and muscles is

A: Geshu (UB 17) B: Yanglingquan (GB 34) C: zhsanli(ST 36)

D: Dazhu (UB 11) E Xiawan(Ren 10)

( ) 21. Xi-Cleft point(s) include(s).

( ) 22. Shu point(s) include(s)

A: Yuji (Lu 10) B: Jingqu (Lu8) C:Kongzui (L 6) D: Taiyuan (Lu9)

E: Chize (Lu 5)

( )23. Guangming point is indicated in

( )24. Sanyinjiao point is indicated in

( )25. Guanyuan point is indicated in

( )26. Dazhui point is indicated in

( )27. Yingxiang and Sibai points is commonly employed to treat

A: diseases of the reproductive system B: weak or no pulse

C: biliary ascariasis D: diseases of the eyes E: Fever

( ) 28. The Sanyinjiao point is indicated in.

( ) 29. The Taiyuan point is indicated in.

( ) 30. The Yingxiang point is indicated in.

( ) 31. The Geshu point is indicated in

A: diseases of the reproductive system B: weak or no pulse C: biliary ascariasis D: diseases of the circulatory system E: Facial pain


1ABCDE 2ABCD 3D 4E 5C 6B 7E 8C 9A 10B 11B 12C 13E 14B 15A 16C 17D 18D 19A 20B 21C 22D 23D 24A 25B 26C 27E 28A 29B 30C 31D

. Filling the blank(填空题)

1、The running of the branches of the twelve meridians is marked by “ __________,__________,__________,__________。”

2、According to the characteristics of acupoint,acupoints can be classified into __________,__________,__________.

3、In clinic, there are four kinds of indirect moxibustion with moxa cone, they are _________________, _________________, _______________ and Monkahood cake insulation.

4. The Xi-Cleft points have the properties of treating acute diseases occurring in their related organs. For example, __________of the stomach channel is effective for epigastric pain; __________of the spleen channel of Foot-Taiyin is prescribed for menstrual pain.

5、Main points for acupuncture treatment of high fever of qi system are__________,the prescription for those of blood system is__________。

6、For infantile enuresis due to kidney yang deficiency, the main points are selected along__________meridian,and the acupuncture prescription is __________。

7. Accidents during acupuncture treatment mainly include_____________, _____________, _______________, ________________and_______________.

8. The four different insertion methods of the filiform needle are_____________, ___________, ___________, and ___________________. The two manipulation methods of the needle include_____________and _____________.

9. _______ (UB 18) is 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the ninth thoracic vertebra. _______ (UB 13) is 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the third thoracic vertebra.

10 _______, the Back-Shu point of the liver, may be chosen to treat_______ (the window of liver) problems, Shenshu (UB 23),the Back-Shu point of________, can be selected to treat deafness.

11.______, the Back-Shu point of the spleen may be chosen to treat ________ (the window of spleen) problems, ________, the Back-Shu point of_________, can be selected to treat deafness.

12. The eight confluent points are__________,__________,__________,__________,__________,



1、stemming, entering,outthrusting,combination

2、meridian acupoints,extraordinary acupoints and Ashi points

3ginger insulation, garlic insulation, salt insulation

4. Liangqiu (St 34), Diji (Sp 8)

5.Dazhui(DU 14),Quchi(LI 11), Hegu (LI 4), Waiguan (SJ 5), Zhigou (SJ 6) Neiting (ST 44),Twelve Jing-Well points; Quze (PC 3), Weizhong (BL40).

6.Bladder/Zhongji(CV3),Pangguang shu(BL28), Sanyin jiao(SP6), Guanyuan(CV 4),Shenshu(BL 23)

7. fainting ,stuck needle, bent needle, broken needle, hematoma

8. fingernail pressing insertion, pinch needle insertion, stretch skin insertion, pinch skin insertion, thrusting and lifting, rotating and twirling

9. ganshu , feishu

10. Ganshu (UB 18) eye, kidney,

11. pishu, mouth, shenshu, kidney

12.gongsun neiguan waiguan zulinqi houxi shenmai zhaohai lieque;

. Explain the concept (名词解释)



3.the twelve muscle regions:

4.the crossing points:

5.Ashi points:



8.front-mu acupoints:


1.refer to the longitudinal trunk parts of the meridian sysytem.

2.refer to the branches of meridians.

3.refer to the muscle system related to the twelve regular meridians.

4.some of the points not only pertain to their own merdians,but also cross with the other meridians as well.those points are named as the crossing points.

5.refer to tenderness spots.they are marked by no fixed location,no pertaining meridians and no names.

6.moxibustion is a therapy used to treat and prevent diseases by applying burning moxa to stimulate the human body.

7. electro-acupuncture is a kind of therapy by which the needle is attached to a trace pulse current after it is inserted to the selected acupoint for the purpose of producing synthetic effect of electric and needling stimulation.

8. front-mu acupoints are those located on the chest and abdomen where qi of the viscera is infused and converged.

. Questions (论述题)

Please expound the below questions in brief.

1、How to treat chronic fatigue syndrome with acupuncture?

2、what are the therapeutic principles of acupuncture and moxibustion?

3、What are the main factors affecting the curative effects of acupuncture and moxibustion?

4、What are the main indications of the following acupoints?

Baihui(GV 20) :

Kunlun(BL 60):

5. What are the functions of moxibustion?

6.What does "arrival of Qi" mean?


1.Prescription: DU 20, Yintang, HT 7, KI 3, LR 3, SP 6, ST 36. Modification according to the individual conditions.

Method: acupuncture is combined with moxibustion. Reinforcing method is applicable.

2. ⑴ Regulating yin and yang.⑵ Reinforcing healthy qi and expelling pathogenic factors.⑶ Concentration of treatment on the essential aspect

⑷Selection of treatment according to the individual conditions

3. ⑴ Factors concerning therapeutic principles.⑵ Factors concerning the use of acupoints.⑶ Factors concerning the manipulation

4. Baihui(GV 20) :Headache,vertigo,wind stroke,insomnia,prolonged diarrhea,gastroptosis.

Kunlun(BL60):Headache,stiffnessofneck ,dizziness,epistaxis,epilepsy,lumbosacral pain and swelling and pain in heel.

5. moxibusition has the properties of warming and removing obstacles of the channels, eliminating cold and damp; It also has the function of treating chronic diseases. It is usually performed for a preventive and health-care purpose as it can promote the defensive Qi of the body surface to strengthen the resistance. Eliminating swelling and mass.

6. When the needle is inserted to a certain depth, the patient may feel soreness, numbness or distention around the point. The operator at the same time may feel tenseness around the needle. This is called "arrivalof Qi," indicating the needling has produced its effect in calling the channels and collaterals into function.
