
时间:2014-09-15 14:30来源:针灸学教研室 作者:admin 点击:

  Multiple-choice questions

  These have a stem and five options,of which only ONE is correct.

  1、where do the yang channels of the hands meet the yang channels of the feet? ( )

  A: forehead B: face C: upper limbs D: chest and abdomen E: lower limbs

  2、the lung channel originates from the ( )

  A:lung B: upper jiao C: middle jiao D: lower jiao

  E: the neck

  3、All the following organs are linked with the kidney channel except ( )

  A.the liver B.the heart C.the spleen D.the lung

  E.the kidney

  4、the dorsum of the foot branch of the stomach channel terminates at ( )

  A: the medial side of the big toe

  B: the lateral side of the big toe

  C: the lateral side of the middle toe

  D: the medial side of the middle toe

  E: none of the above

  5、the branch of the lung channel proximal to the wrist emerges from ( )

  A. Kongzui(L6) B. Lieque (L7) C. Jingqu (L8)

  D. Taiyuan (L9) E. Yuji (L10)

  6. which of the following channels has a branch which arises from the lung, joins the heart and runs into the chest? ( )

  A: Hand-Taiyin B:Foot-Shaoyin C: Hand-Taiyang

  D: Foot-Taiyin E: Hand-Shaoyin

  7、the distance from the anterior hairline to the posterior hairline is ( )

  A: 8cun B: 9cun C: 10cun D: 12cun E: 13cun

  8. the branch of the gallbladder channel from the dorsum of the foot arises from ( )

  A: Qiuxu (G40) B: Foot-Linqi (G41) C: Diwuhui (G42)

  D: Xiaxi (G43) E: none of the above

  9. which of the following points is most likely to be selected to treat neck rigidity? ( )

  A: Zhongfu(L1) B: Chize(L5) C:Lieque (L7) D: Taiyuan (L9)

  E: Yuji(L10)

  10.Taiyuan(L9) is a/an ( )

  A: Shu-stream point B: Yuan-Source point C:influential point of the channels D: earth point on the lung channel

  E: all of the above

  11、which of the following points is the most commonly used for clearing the stomach heat? ( )

  A、weishu (B21) B、Neiting (S44)

  C、Fenglong(S40) D、Chongyang(S42)


  12、To treat sciatic, which one should be selected? ( )

  A Mainly chose the points on hand-yangming and foot-yangming meridians

  B Mainly chose the points on Ren meridian

  C Mainly chose the points on foot-jue yin and foot-taiyang meridians

  D Mainly chose the points on foot-taiyang and foot-shaoyin meridians

  E Mainly chose the points on foot-taiyang and foot-yangming meridians

  13.The point which is in the depression distal and inferior to the base of the first metatarsal bone is ( )

  A: Dadu (Sp2) B: Taibai (Sp3) C: Gongsun (Sp4)

  D: Taichong (Liv3) E: Zhongfeng(Liv4)

  14. Which of the following points is stimulated when dealing with sore throat? ( )

  A: Shaochong(H9) B:Zhongchong (P9) C: Shaoshang (L11) D: Shaoze (SI1) E: Yamen (Du 15)

  15、The prescription of combination of Zhong wan, Nei guan, Zu Sanli, Yang Lingquan, Tai chong is mainly used to treat :

  A Food stagnation

  B liver stagnation

  C Cold pathogen

  D Deficiency of middle energizer

  E Yin deficiency

  16. Sanyinjiao(Sp6)is ( )

  A:a He-Sea point B: a Yuan-Source point C:a Luo-Connecting point D: a confluent point E: none of the above

  17、According to the characteristics of specific points, ( ) is mostly used to treat hemorrhage diseases.

  A. Primary points

  B. Connecting points

  C. Cleft points

  D. Lower he points

  E. Jin-well points

  18、The pathway of the Chong channel on the abdomen coincides with that of ( )

  A: the Ren channel B: the stomach channel C: the kidney channel D:the spleen channel E: none of the above

  19. The channel entering the ear is.

  A: the Hand-Yangming channel B: the Foot-Yangming channel

  C: the Foot-Taiyang channel D: the Hand-Taiyang channel

  E: none of the above

  20、All the following points are located distal to the elbow or knee joint except( )

  A: the eight confluent points B: the Five-Shu points C: the Luo-connecting points D: the eight influential points

  E: the Yuan-Source points

  21. Blue-purplish complexion and lips with the intermittent pain in the precordial region is due to( )

  A: stagnation of heart blood B: heat in the blood

  C: deficiency of liver yin D: attack of the heart by phlegm

  E: deficiency of heart yin

  22、A patient usually exhibits a pale complexion with all of the following sydromes except ( )

  A: deficiency of Qi B: deficiency of blood

  C: deficiency of yang D: deficiency of yin

  E: none of the above

  23. A heat syndrome frequently causes all of the following except ( )

  A: dark yellow and scanty urine B: constipation C: fever

  D: dry tongue coating E: absence of thirst

  24、Stagnation of blood frequently causes all of the following except( )

  A: pain B: tumour C: hemorrhage

  D: pale lips E: ecchymosis

  25、Apart from the main points, which of the following points are usually used as the supplementary points to treat Wandering-Bi syndromes? ( )

  A: Geshu(B17) and Xuehai(Sp10)

  B: Shenshu(B23) and Guanyuan(Ren4)

  C: Zusanli(S36) and Shangqiu(Sp5)

  D: Fengchi(Gb20) and Taiyang(Extra)

  E: Dazhui(Du14) and Quchi(LI11)

  26、The best prescription for treatment of lower back pain is( )

  A: Shenshu(B23),Yaoyangguan(Du3)andWeizhong(B40)

  B: Taixi(K3),Fuliu(K7)and Shenshu(B23)

  C: Taichong (LR 3), Yaoyangguan(Du3)and Guanyuanshu(Ren4)

  D: Zhongdu (Liv6), Guanyuanshu(Ren4)and Shenshu(B23)

  E: Qiuxu(GB 40),Yaotongxue(Extra) and yaoyang(Extra)

  27、Using a three-edged needle is indicated in the following cases( )

  A、lumbago due to stagnation of blood

  B、high fever

  C、sour throat

  D、all of the above

  E、none of the above

  28、General lassitude, cough with profuse, dilute and White sputum, poor appetite, loose stools, a pale tongue with white coating and a weak pulse in dicates a/an( )

  A: deficiency of spleen and kidney yang

  B: disharmony between the liver and stomach

  C: deficiency of lung and spleen Qi

  D: imbalance between the liver and spleen

  E: none of the above#p#副标题#e#

  “B”type questions:

  Each question contains a group of options that are followed by a series of questions. For EACH question in the series select the answer you consider to be correct.

  1、The element of the Jing-River points on the yang channels is ( )

  2、The element of the Shu-Stream points on the yin channels is ( )

  3、The element of the Jing-Well points on the yang channels is ( )

  4、The element of the Jing-River points on the yin channels is ( )

  A: Wood B: Metal C: Water D: Fire E: Earth

  5、Insertion of the needle by pinching up the skin applies to( )

  6、Insertion of the needle with the help of the puncturing and pressing hands applies to( )

  7、Insertion of the needle with the fingers strethching the skin applies to( )

  A: the point Neihuan B: the point Huantiao

  C: the point Dicang D: the point Guanyuan

  8、The channel that distributes to the upper teeth is ( )

  9、The channel that distributes to the lower teeth is ( )

  A: the channel of Foot-Yangming

  B: the channel of Hand-Yangming

  C: both A and B D: neither A nor B

  10、A prolonged menstrual cycle withscanty,purplish-dark discharge or blood clots suggests( )

  11、menses of a shortened cycle, excessive menstrual flow, thick and deep red in colour relates mainly to( )

  12、A profuse, thin, and light-coloured menstrual flow indicates( )

  A: excessive heat in the blood

  B: failure of Qi to control the blood

  C: stagnation of blood

  D: disharmony of the Chong and Ren channels due to the obstruction of liver Qi

  E: damp-heat in the Chong and Ren channels

  13、The lower He-Sea point of the Sanjiao is( )

  14、The lower He-Sea point of the bladder is( )

  15、The lower He-Sea point of the large intestine is( )

  16、The lower He-Sea point of the small intestine is( )

  17、The lower He-Sea point of the gallbladder is( )

  A: Shangjuxu (St37) B: Weizhong(BL40) C: Xiajuxu (St 39) D: Yanglingquan (GB 34) E: Weiyang (UB 39)

  18、A surging pulse(hong mai) feels( )

  19、A tense pulse(jin mai) feels ( )

  20、A soft pulse(ru mai) feels ( )

  A: superficial and thready, and is felt by the fingers to be without strength

  B: like a fine thready string but is very distinct and clear

  C: tight and forceful like a stretched rope

  D: smooth and flowing like pearls rolling on a dish

  E: broad, large and forceful like roaring waves which come on powerfully and fade away.

  21、The points effective in treating febrile diseases are ( )

  22、According to Classic on Medical Problems, the points which are the best selection to treat diseases of the Fu organs are ( )

  23、According to Classic on Medical Problems, the points punctured as the best selected to treat diseases of the Zang organs are ( )

  24、The points selected for acupuncture to treat disorders of the two externally-internally related channels are ( )

  A: the Back-Shu points B: the Front-Mu points

  C: the eight confluent points D: the Ying-Spring points

  E: the Luo-connecting points

  25、By using the theory “selecting the point along the channel” the point which is the best selection to treat hemorrhoids is ( )

  26、By using the theory of divergent channels, the point which is the best selection to treat hemorrhoids is ( )

  27、By using clinical experience without channel and collateral theory the point which is the best selection for treating hemorrhoids is ( )

  A: Chengshan(B57) B: Baihui(Du 20)

  C: Erbai(Extra 31) D: Changqiang (Du1 ) E: Laogong(P8)

  28、The prescription recommended for patients suffering from rhinorrhea is ( )

  29、The prescription commonly used in treating toothache caused by invasion of wind fire is ( )

  30、The prescription which is the best selection to treat sore throat caused by excessive heat is ( )

  A: Hegu(LI4),Jiache(St6),Neiting(St44),Waiguan(SJ5),


  B:Hegu(LI4),Jiache(St6),Xiaguan(S7),Taixi(K3),Xingjian(Liv2)C: Hegu(LI4),Shaoshang(Lu11),Chize(Lu5),Guanchong(SJ1) ,


  D: Taixi(K3),Zhaohai(K6),Yuji(Lu10)

  E: Hegu(LI4),Lieque(Lu7),Yingxiang(LI20),Bitong(Extra10),


  Fill the blanks:

  1、The physiological functions of the channels and collaterals include__________.

  2、Accidents during acupuncture treatment mainly include_______,________,________,_______,________,_______.

  3、In clinic, there are four kinds of indirect moxibustion with moxa cone, they are _________________, _________________, _______________ and Monkahood cake insulation.

  4、the distance between the point Jingqu(Lu8) and Kongzui(Lu6) is_______cun.

  5、Main points for acupuncture treatment of high fever of qi system are__________,the prescription for those of blood system is__________。

  6、The Back-Shu points of the five internal organs are ______(UB13),________(UB15),_______(UB18),________(UB20) and _________(UB23).Their locations are: Feishu, ____cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the third thoracic vertebra; Xinshu, ____cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the fifth thoracic vertebra.

  7、According to TCM,_____, _______and _______are fundamental substances in the human body for the maintenance of normal vital activities.

  8、The four different insertion methods of the filiform needle are_____________, ___________, ___________, and ___________________. The two manipulation methods of the needle include _____________and _____________.

  9、In clinic, there are three most commonly used kinds of moxibustion,________,__________, and__________.

  10、Clinically, four measuring methods have been established for locating acupoints on the body; they are according to ____________,______________,_________and ______________.

  11、The eight extraordinary channels are ______,______,_____,

  _____,______,______,______,and _____ channels.

  12、______is located in the depression between the medial melleolus and tendo calcaneus, level with the tip of the medial malleolus. The point ________is at the tip of the middle finger.

  Definitions of TCM terms:

  1、The sea of all yang channels:


  3、Extraordinary points:

  4、Ashi points:

  5、Acupuncture sensation:


  7、The sea of all yin channels:

  8. electro-acupuncture:

  Questions and Answers:

  1、What is acupoint?

  2、What is the channel phenomenon?

  3、What does "arrival of Qi" mean?

  4、What is the relationship between the five-Shu points and the Five Elements?

  5、What are the main indications of the following acupoints?

  Huantiao(GB30),Dazhui(Du14),Waiguan(SJ5),and Xuanzhong(GB39).

  6、What are the functions of moxibustion?
