
时间:2011-04-24 11:56来源:针灸学教研室 作者:admin 点击:


Ⅰ( Please choose the best one from A.B.C .D&E)There is only one correct choice for each item, please mark it.

1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.E 6.D 7.C 8A 9.D 10.E 11.D 12.E 13.A 14.C 15.C 16.C 17.C 18.D 19.B 20. C

Ⅱ Multiple-choice

There are two or more correct choices  for each item, please mark its.


Ⅲ Filling the blank

1.stemming, entering,outthrusting,combination

2.meridian acupoints,extraordinary acupoints and Ashi points

3.salt insulation, ginger insulation, garlic insulation

4.Dazhu (UB 11) , Geshu (UB 17), Yanglingquan (GB 34)

5.fainting ,stuck needle, bent needle, broken needle, hematoma

Ⅳ Explain the concept

1. When the needle is inserted to a certain depth, the patient may feel soreness, numbness or distention around the point. The operator at the same time may feel tenseness around the needle. This is called "arrivalof Qi," indicating the needling has produced its effect in calling the channels and collaterals into function.

2.They are the passages through which the Qi can be conducted. The meridians mainly refer to the paths of main trunks which run up and down,interiorly and exteriorly within the body. The branches of meridians are called collaterals which imply the networks, thinner and smaller than the meridians, run crisscrossly over the body.

Ⅴ Questions

Please expound the below questions in brief.

1.(1)Regulating yin and yang

(2)Reinforcing healthy qi and expelling pathogenic factors

(3)Concentration of treatment on the essential aspect

(4)Selection of treatment according to the individual conditions

2.(1)Factors concerning therapeutic principles

(2)Factors concerning the use of acupoints

(3)Factors concerning the manipulation

Ⅵ Analysis of medical cases

1.(1) TCM Diagnosis: Wind Stroke

(2) Modern medicine Diagnosis: Apoplexy

(3) Differentiation of syndromes: qi deficiency, blood stasis and phlegm retention.

(4)Acupuncture therapy (principles, method, prescription and its significations)

Principles: benefiting qi, activating blood circulation and resolving phlegm;

Method: needling is applied with even reducing and even reinforcing method;

Prescription: MS 8(L), LI 14, LI 11, LI 4, GB 30, ST 32, ST 36, ST 40 SP 6 of right side;

Significations: abbreviated.

2. (1) TCM Diagnosis: Headache

(2) Modern medicine Diagnosis: Headache

(3) Differentiation of syndromes: depression of liver Qi which has turned into Flar-up of liver fire.

(4)Acupuncture therapy (principles, method, prescription and its significations)

Method: needling is applied with reducing

Prescription: Fengchi (GB 20), Baihui (Du 20), Taiyang (Extra 2), Xingjian (Liv 2) and Jiaxi (GB 43).

Significations: abbreviated.
