
时间:2015-10-22 14:56来源:针灸学教研室 作者:admin 点击:

Lesson 6   The system of Meridians and Collaterals

1, Listening VOA 6 (tape) homework: rewriting VOA on your text book, and translation

2, Oral speaking training

A   Loud reading   OVA 6  which you studied in class fluently

B, What is  meridian and collaterals ?  What is 14 meridians?

seeing picture and speaking in English

环椎前弓 Ring of vertebral arch before

下颌角     Mandibular Angle

第三颈椎The third cervical vertebra

锥体The cone

椎间隙 Inter vertebral disc

枕骨The occipital

枢椎齿状突After vertebral arch ring

环椎后弓After vertebral arch ring

横突 Transverse process


