
时间:2011-04-22 20:56来源:针灸学教研室 作者:admin 点击:



Bilingual Syllabus of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Science

(Apply to five Year Program TCM Specialty or Intergrated TCM Clinical Major)


Acupuncture and moxibustion is one kind of science which take the Chinese medicine theory as the instruction, study the channels and collaterals, the acupoint ,acupuncture and moxibustion method,discuss utilizing acupuncture and moxibustion for prevention and treatment of disease. This curriculum's educative purpose is that student must master acupuncture and moxibustion elementary knowledge, the elementary theory and the basic skill, be able to utilizing needle therapy for preventing and giving treatment to common diseases ,at the same time, can carry on the international communication accurately using the acupuncture technical expression; The emphasis should be focused mainly on oral expression of acupuncture knowledge, the proper attention to both acupuncture related terms translation and reading, ability of using the acupuncture specialized English initially for diagnosing and treating. The teaching extent is mainly of teaching scope of the textbook in this course,subsidiary role of English and Chinese control textbook of 《Acupuncture and Moxibustion Science》, enhancing the organic combination of theory and practice,Chinese and English.

There are 90 class hours in this subject , Teaching with 72 class hours in the class; Practicing with 18 class hours.

The teaching requirement

(1) introduction

This part content consist of the definition of acupuncture science,brief history of acupuncture and moxibustion”s formation, development, consummation , including various stages historical development period of germination ,formation ,development ,decline , newborn of acupuncture and moxibustion .Many kinds of teaching ways and methods are available to make the student to understand acupuncture and moxibustion developing process. Key emphasis should be focused on English narration of basic concept. English teaching occupy 20% proportion of each class hour.

(2) general remarks of channels and collaterals

The content include the channels and collaterals system's composition, the conception of”

Meridians and collaterals” “root and branch of meridian””position of start

Ing and ending of meridian –Qi”

“qihai”Meridian-Qi street””four seas”meridian and collateral’s physiological function and pathological change , clinical application of Channels and collaterals theory , Acupoint nomenclature and classification ,the function and application rule, Specific acupoint’s significance and it’s clinical usage, Acupoint location method,etc. The basic concept's English narration and translation skill from chinese term into English should be emphasized , 20%~30% English teaching proportion rate is appropriate.

(3) Channels and collaterals

The content mainly includes the running way of the twelve classic meridians, eight extraordinary channels and professional english narration to function and application of commonly used acu-point, Because the description of twelve classic meridians and eight extraordinary channels is ralativily easy,thus english teaching proportion for this part content can be in the rate of 50%~70%, With regard to the commonly used acupuncture point's location, the anatomy, function, application,it is relatively difficult as it involves western medicine anatomy terms and medical names of diseases, thus , this part of English teaching proportion get 20~40% ,The students should handle the English description for simple and short meridian running course, should be familiar with translation of complex meridian,grasp the common prsentation of common anatomy term and name of diseases which appear inside the function of acupoint.

(4) Method of puncture and moxibustion

The content include manipulation of puncture method, therapy of moxibustion ,cupping therapy,three eged needle therapy,skin needle therapy ,scalp acupuncture ,auricular acupuncture and related precaution . This part are not only easy for demonstation but also expression. 50%~70% rate of english teaching is desired

The request of this part is handling common application of acupuncture ,moxibustion and equipment of acupuncture treatment and related english expression

(5) specific discussions of treatment

This part mainly depends on chinese language teaching, alternating with english teaching for some technical term and related English explanation . The different proportion of the bilingual education of the treatment discussion respectively accord to the difficulty degree of content .  50%  English teaching is disired  for the common and frequently-occurring clinical disease ,however,   teaching with the Chinese and English  alternation should be given for the complex diseases,   English teaching emphasize on concept and differentiation of symptoms, English teaching occupy20%~40%.

《针灸学》双语教学大纲  中文版














内容主要包括十二经脉、奇经八脉的循行及常用穴位的主治、功效的专业英语描述,由于十二经脉、奇经八脉经络循行较容易表述 ,英文授课比例50%~70%,常用穴位的定位,解剖,主治功效,涉及西医解剖学名词病名,该部分英文授课比例20~40%。学生应掌握用英文描述简单经脉的循行,熟悉复杂经脉的专业表达,掌握常见解剖名词及主治中的病名常规表达。






上篇  针灸理论

第一章 经络总论—第一节 经络系统的组成

第一章 经络总论—第二节 经络的标本、根结与气街、四海

第一章 经络总论—第三节 经络的作用和经络学说的临床应用

第二章 腧穴总论—第一节 腧穴的发展、分类和命名

第二章 腧穴总论—第二节 腧穴的主治特点和规律

第二章 腧穴总论—第三节 特定穴

第二章 腧穴总论—第四节 腧穴的定位方法

第三章 经络腧穴各论—第一节 十二经脉

第三章 经络腧穴各论—第二节 奇经八脉

第三章 经络腧穴各论—第三节 十五络脉

第三章 经络腧穴各论—第四节 常用奇穴


中篇   针灸技术

第四章 刺灸法总论

第五章 刺灸法各论—第一节 毫针刺法

第五章 刺灸法各论—第二节 灸法

第五章 刺灸法各论—第三节 拔罐法

第五章 刺灸法各论—第四节 三棱针法 皮肤针法 皮内针法 电针法

第五章 刺灸法各论—第五节 头针

第五章 刺灸法各论—第六节 耳针


下篇   针灸应用

第六章 治疗总论

第七章 治疗各论—第一节 头面躯体痛证

第七章 治疗各论—第二节 内科病证

第七章 治疗各论—第三节 妇儿科病证

第七章 治疗各论—第四节 皮外骨伤科病证

第七章 治疗各论—第五节 五官科病证

第七章 治疗各论—第六节 急症

第七章 治疗各论—第七节 其他



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